I had a faith in you
in a sunlight that we shared
but we also shared a truth
no matter how hard sometimes gets.
Something so wild I never felt
so blind, but on the light
in a storm, washed on the sun
when all of me is beneeth the belt
What ever hapens we are both avare
we will not last more than a day
but some strings will allways be there
conecting are souls on this passionate way
You had a faith in me
knowing it wouldn't last
You will not play a game tommorow with my hair
an that's a fact.
What ever the sky drops on us
whatever the songs told us
no matter the love we feel tonight
Tomorrow will be gone,
'cause we are the storms,
we are the passionate ones...

20.10.2004. u 1:21   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

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