Čestitke i pozdravi

Think of you with pipe and slippers.Think of her in Bed.Laying there just watching telly.Then think of me instead
I'll never grow so old and flabby.That could never be.Don't marry her, fuck me
And your love light shines like cardboard.But your work shoes are glistening.She's a Ph.D in 'I told you so'.You've a knighthood in 'I'm not listening'
She'll grab your sweaty bollocks.Then slowly raise her knee.Don't marry her, fuck me
And the Sunday sun shines down on San Francisco bay.And you realise you can't make it anyway.You have to wash the car.Take the kiddies to the park.Don't marry her, fuck me
Those lovely Sunday mornings.With breakfast brought in bed.Those blackbirds look like knitting needles.Trying to peck your head
Those birds will peck your soul out.And throw away the key.Don't marry her, fuck me
And the kitchen's always tidy.And the bathroom's always clean.She's a diploma in 'just hiding things'.You've a first in 'low esteem'
When your socks smell of angels.But your life smells of brie.Don't marry her, fuck me
And the Sunday sun shines down on San Francisco bay.And you realise you can't make it anyway.You have to wash the car.Take the kiddies to the park.Don't marry her, fuck me

31.10.2004. u 20:30   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

Yeah, ain't it beautiful down south...

Autor: pike_TS   |   31.10.2004. u 20:34   |   opcije

Klap,MSW :)

Autor: ZVONKO_TELEFONKO   |   31.10.2004. u 20:36   |   opcije

Ain`t it? Just by the Bell Bottomed Tear :)

Autor: FreeShampooSample   |   31.10.2004. u 20:37   |   opcije

Zvonk, jel da pitam di si me to klapnuo il da radije šutim i trpim,lol?

Autor: MySensualWorld   |   31.10.2004. u 20:38   |   opcije

Oh well, everybody knows, tears for fears, that's how it goes...

Autor: pike_TS   |   31.10.2004. u 20:41   |   opcije

Jesi gledala Allo,allo?To je od tamo,nije klap po glavi :)

Autor: ZVONKO_TELEFONKO   |   31.10.2004. u 20:43   |   opcije

Čuj, sve je OK dok ti na blogu koji spominje kasnovečernji date ne napišu "Clap, Clap"...a Patriciju nikad upoznao...

Autor: pike_TS   |   31.10.2004. u 20:43   |   opcije

Ok,pike,nisam mislio clap clap,kao daj zavrsi vec jednom vec onaj prijateljski "Klap" iz allo,allo :)

Autor: ZVONKO_TELEFONKO   |   31.10.2004. u 20:48   |   opcije

Nisam ni mislio da si mislio, Zvone...;)) Subject "Clap" is hereby officially ehausted...:)

Autor: pike_TS   |   31.10.2004. u 20:50   |   opcije

Jeste se pošteno bar naklapali dok me nije bilo?

Autor: MySensualWorld   |   31.10.2004. u 20:53   |   opcije

ma sve je klapalo ko podmazano MSW...dogovorili smo se i za odlazak na smotru dalmatinskih klapa...

Autor: pike_TS   |   31.10.2004. u 20:55   |   opcije

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