bok, kako si? sta ima? sta radis?
danasnja prica pocinje s bio jednom jedan covjek. imao je auto. svaki dan me divilo kako je taj auto cist, lijep crni lak se uredno presijavao na suncu dok drugi auti u ulici nosili neko breme vremena, bili prljavi i prasnjavi, ovaj je uvijek odskakao od ostalih...vidjelo se da ga netko cuva i brine se o njemu svaki dan. covjeka vise nema, auto i dalje stoji,ali ga danas koriste oni koji su ostali iza njega. auto vise ne sjaji, postao je samo jos jedan prasnjavi auto u ulici...
neke stvari umiru s nama iako nas nadzive...
konacno sam na famoznom broju od -1...whuuuu huuuuuu...
citao sam neki dan, postoji curica koja ne stari, sad je to medicinski fenomen jer bi po nekoj logici ona trebala imati xy faktor da nam otkrije formulu vjecnosti...prvo su mi na pamet pali svi idioti iz amerike koji bi valjda vlastiti zivot da mogu zivjeti vjecno, koja ironija. presaltao sam sliku na nasu divnu hrvatsku, majko draga mila, geneticke kreature tipa ante gotovca i tko zna kakvih samoprozvanih poznatih koje bi trebalo na mjestu streljati, a ne omogucit im ljigavi duzi zivot...
strasno...tuzna je cinjenica da ako ikad dode to tako neceg, prvi u redu za cekanje ce bit ljudi koji apsolutno nicim nemaju za pridonijet ljudskoj rasi, vec su samo sposobni platit xyz sumu...
al jbg, mozda to tako mora bit, mozda smo zapravo svi osudeni na propast u pristojnom i kvalitetnom radu, dok ce imbecili koji prodaju maglu i zuje u sunce dozivjeti apsolutni prosperitet...tuzno je to da nema posla, a samim time i novaca, za one koji zele zivjeti, a oni koji ne rade nikakav posao, nit zele radit ista, dobivaju sve.
radio sam vizualizacije za restoran u vz-u. predobro su ispale, ja sam full zadovoljan...nadam se da je i poslodavac, jer ako se posreci mozda mi se stvori free reklama...
bilo bi krasno, da konacno nesto krene...
starom je bio rockas...klasika, vecerica, pricanje...buraz i mateja planiraju monaco za ljeto...a gjde ces ti biti? ako bog srece dan u nekom uredu i radit...
onda ga je chopila ona neka kriza, pa je krenuo da imamo samo sebe i da pazimo na to da se ne pogubimo negdje na zivotnom putu...
ima 55 godina, a nevjerojatno mlado izgleda. kad pogledam ljude mlade od njega, pola njih valjda starije izgleda i unisteno totalno...impresivno, mozda je on jedan od onih rijetkih primjera na kojima se bazira pretpostavka da zivot bez alkohola, cigareta, droge i poroka ipak ima smisla...
ah, tko ce ga znati...
zo je redizajnirala kraj x6-ice...i to peglicom...strasno...
sister dala zadnji ispit, sprema se za diplomu, pa onda byblos...
ljeto je doslo, kratka oblekica, cure se skidaju, teretane se pune...ah tipicno i presmijesno...tko ne bi obozavao ove ljetne zelim izgledati seksi kreature...zapravo ne vidim uopce logiku toga, jebes izgled, ako se ne osjecas dobro u svom tijelu, a ako je nekom nesto naporno, kak se moze osjecati dobro? i sama cinjenica sto su svjesni da je to samo pred ljeto, a ostatak godine opet po starom...ko da uzimam bijelo samo dok idem van...kao treba mi samo kad idem van, al inace necu...jebote, il si narkic ili nisi...dobro, ovo je sad malo mozda preradikalno, al neke stvari ipak traze kontinuitet i neku predanost...
sta smo slusali...?uf, uf...pa ima tu dosta starih, novih , srednjh stvaricica koje su mi zapele za uho...
freemasonsi i sophie ellis bextor...jos jedan ljetni hitic, neka kvazi lagana housijanica...
"...Days go by and still I think of you
Days when I couldn't live my life without you
Days go by and still I think of you
Days when I couldn't live my life without you
Without you
Without you..."
ima jedan zanimljvi spot...scena kretanje na raznim lokacijama i svaka persona je etiketirana jednim atributom...zamisljao sam si tako da hodam gradom i gledam ljude, proucavam ih i da bi bilo neopisivo zanimljivo da mogu jednim pogledom vidjeti tko oni zapravo jesu, sto ih muci, jesu li sretni ili ne...bilo bi zanimljivo kretat se tako, a razliku od ovog sad kretanja kada ne percipiram nikog ni nista...keep it real, dutch, keep it real...
"Lately I've been feeling different
Like I've come from outer space
And I know there's something missing
When it's you I can't replace
And as I walk into the sun
And as I stare across this ocean
And as I start a brand new day
Will my life ever be the same again?
And up ahead they're in the distance
Shadows coming through the haze
And you're the only one that listens
To help me break loose from these chains
And as I walk into the sun
And as I stare across this ocean
And as I start a brand new day
Will my life ever be the same again?
The same again
And as I walk into the sun
And as I stare across this ocean
And as I start a brand new day
Will my life ever be the same again?
And as I walk into the sun
And as I stare across this ocean
And as I start a brand new day
Will my life ever be the same again?"
da, da, da...
danas je tuca padala...i ja sam pao...nakon boksa sam se vagao...93 kg...brine me to, trebao sam vec bit na 100, a ne pasti na 93...zivjelo ljeto...
ko da se za borbu spremam pa moram kile zgubit, yeah right...
lose spavam zadnjih dana...neki cudni snovi me progone, budim se u pola noci, a da nisam ni svjestan toga...
citao sam da nespavanje skracuje zivot...ufff, ko ga jebe, brijem da ipak nista od svih planova, barem ne za ovog zivotnog roka...exp. date - soon if you continue like this...
i za kraj, nesto dobro, staro i pozitivno...i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed...
"Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me,
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead.
Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming,
Back to the rule and I hit the ground running,
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.
So much to do so much to see,
So what's wrong with taking the back streets,
You'll never know if you don't go,
You'll never shine if you don't glow.
Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play,
Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid,
And all that glitters is gold,
Only shooting stars break the mold.
It's a cool place and they say it gets colder,
You're bundled up now but wait 'til you get older,
But the meteor men beg to differ,
Judging by the hole in the satellite picture.
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin,
The waters getting warm so you might as well swim,
My world's on fire how about yours,
That's the way I like it and I never get bored.
Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas,
I need to get myself away from this place,
I said yep what a concept,
I could use a little fuel myself,
And we could all use a little change.
Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming,
Back to the rule and I hit the ground running,
Didn't make sense not to live for fun,
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb,
So much to do so much to see,
So what's wrong with taking the back streets,
You'll never know if you don't go,
You'll never shine if you don't glow."
i da...jos par izjava mudrosti...people never get the flowers while they can still smell them...
veliko zatvaranje...
"It's only when I lose myself in someone else
That I find myself
I find myself
It's only when I lose myself in someone else
That I find myself
I find myself
Something beautiful is happening inside for me
Something sensual, it's full of fire and mystery
I feel hypnotized, I feel paralyzed
I have found heaven
There's a thousand reasons
Why I shouldn't spend my time with you
For every reason not to be here I can think of two
Keep me hanging on
Feeling nothing's wrong
Inside your heaven
It's only when I lose myself in someone else
That I find myself
I find myself
It's only when I lose myself in someone else
That I find myself
I find myself
I can feel the emptiness inside me fade and disappear
There's a feeling of contentment now that you are here
I feel satisfied
I belong inside
Your velvet heaven
Did I need to sell my soul
For pleasure like this
Did I have to lose control
To treasure your kiss
Did I need to place my heart
In the palm of your hand
Before I could even start
To understand
It's only when I lose myself in someone else
That I find myself
I find myself
It's only when I lose myself in someone else
That I find myself
I find myself"
12.05.2010. u 21:55 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
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