Harem :-)
ovo sam c/p
I"zraz harem (arapski <haram / حرامw /ḥarām / "zabranjen, tabu, svet") koristi se u islamskim zemljama općenito za sve ono što je zabranjeno, kao i ono što se smatra rezerviranim, "svetim". Tako se haremom naziva bliža okolina Meke i Medine, ograđeno dvorište džamije kao i muslimansko groblje, ali i onaj dio muslimanske kuće koji je rezerviran za žene, gdje je pristup muškarcima zabranjen."
Ne volim baš wikipediu, ali sada je poslužila.. Jedan komentar me je ponukao i malo ću istražiti o odnosu muškaraca i žena u haremu ;-), o ubijenim potomcima vlasnika harema, o ubitačnoj ljubomori između žena u haremu, o gladovanjima, nezadovoljstvu, o kastriranim muškarcima koji su čuvali žene... I jesu li haremi stvarno bili dobar način u povećanju raznolikosti ;-)
12.11.2010. u 13:14 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
da..zgodno...većina muškaraca sanja..o haremu...ali ne baš doslovno..hehe
Autor: pa_huljica | 12.11.2010. u 13:26 | opcije
Ne sanjaju samo muškarci nego i žene :-)
Autor: leptirica_57 | 12.11.2010. u 13:52 | opcije
Ti mene Wikipedijom (neslužbena i nepouzdana), ja tebe Britannicom (uzor pouzdanosti podataka):
harem, Arabic ḥarīm, in Muslim countries, the part of a house set apart for the women of the family. The word ḥarīmī is used collectively to refer to the women themselves. Zanāna (from the Persian word zan, “woman”) is the term used for the harem in India, andarūn (Persian: “inner part” [of a house]) in Iran.
Although usually associated in Western thought with Muslim practices, harems are known to have existed in the pre-Islamic civilizations of the Middle East; there the harem served as the secure, private quarters of women who nonetheless played various roles in public life. Muhammad did not originate the idea of the harem or of the seclusion and veiling of women, but he sponsored them, and, wherever Islam spread, these institutions went with it. The virtual removal of women from public life was more typical of the Islamic harem than of its predecessors, although in many periods of Islamic history women in the harem exercised various degrees of political power.
In pre-Islamic Assyria, Persia, and Egypt, most of the royal courts included a harem, consisting of the ruler’s wives and concubines, their female attendants, and eunuchs. These royal harems performed important political, as well as social, roles. Rulers often added wives to their harems as a means of cementing political alliances. As wives attempted to maneuver themselves and their sons into positions of power, the harem became an arena in which rival factions fought for ascendancy at the court. Since these women were usually from influential and powerful families, harem intrigues frequently had wide-ranging repercussions, including, in some cases, the downfall of dynasties.
Large harems were common in the wealthy households in Arab countries through the early decades of the 20th century. In the wealthier houses, each wife had her own set of rooms and servants; women in less affluent households had smaller quarters and less privacy, but even the poorest Arab household provided separate living quarters for men and women. By the second half of the 20th century, the full harem system existed only among the more conservative elements of Arab society.
In imperial Turkey the sultan had an elaborately organized harem, or seraglio (from Italian serraglio, “enclosure”), with disciplinary and administrative officers, overseen by the sultan’s mother, the vâlide sultan. After 1926, when the Turkish republic made polygamy illegal, the seclusion of women became less popular.
Autor: vegavega8 | 12.11.2010. u 14:12 | opcije
Napisah da ne volim wikipediu i napisah da ću istražiti sve o haremu. Uostalom, uopće se ne želim opravdavati što imam svoje mišljenje :-)
Autor: leptirica_57 | 12.11.2010. u 15:13 | opcije
Ne radi se o "opravdavanju", nego o argumentiranju, leptirice. Zaboga, pa ja tvoje mišljenje ne smatram uvredljivim i bilo bi mi zaista žao kad bi ti moje doživljavala takvim.
Autor: vegavega8 | 12.11.2010. u 15:21 | opcije
Hm, upravo sam našla prilično nepristojan ispad na svojem blogu... Tako da me sad zapravo uopće nije briga ni za harem, ni za monogamiju/poligamiju, ni za Wikipediju ili Britannicu, nego ZAŠTO smatraš da je drugačije mišljenje ugroza tvojem?
Autor: vegavega8 | 12.11.2010. u 15:35 | opcije
Zanimljivo. Sad sam i ja to našla.
Ni ja ne volim Wikipediju, ali kad se radi o "osjetljivim" temama ljudi koji pišu paze na političku korektnost do bola. :)
Zato i je zanimljivo.
Autor: common-errors | 12.11.2010. u 15:56 | opcije
Uvijek je zanimljivo suprostaviti mišljenja :-))))
Autor: leptirica_57 | 12.11.2010. u 16:14 | opcije