
kažu "stanje duha, raspoloženje". Malo sam švrljala po netu i našla jednu jako dobru stranicu :-) Tekst sam kopirala jer me je oduševio :-)

"The nostalgic Old Birds observe the goings on as though they were still young and beautiful and the future was still theirs. They admire their reflections in mirror-less frames but are only empty shells, shadows of their former selves. They are the old aristocracy, still convinced of their power and beauty. But they are twisted, deformed and ugly. They wear fanciful hats and hide behind their flamboyant costumes in rich tones of mauve, green and gold, covered with lace, jewels and embroidery."

Na našoj teveji prije nekih sedam godina gledala sam i prvi puta čula za Cirques du Soleil.... Gledajući i slušajući duša se punila ljepotom, a tijelo je postalo tako lagano te sam imala osjećaj lebdenja... Pjesme Alegria i Querer i dan-danas mame mi i suze i osmjeh na lice....

Zašto nostalgične stare ptice? Jer kako godine prolaze postajem stara nostalgična ptica... :-)

12.11.2010. u 20:32   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

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