
what do you whant from me??? what?
ok,from yesterday I think of you all the time? what do you want more from me???

23.04.2011. u 13:38   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

..don"t think on me any more,just kiss me today......

Autor: ruznopace_shmrcshmrc   |   23.04.2011. u 13:53   |   opcije

grammar nazi says: I need you to think of me 'since yesterday', mind the commas and put 'more' after 'what'... and drop the h from 'want' while you're at it, you sound a bit nasal... :)

Autor: pike_TS   |   23.04.2011. u 14:02   |   opcije

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