
i felt like running
running to you
but you said
it was dangerous
i felt like walking
walking next to you
but you said
the road was too narrow
i felt like talking
talking to you
but you said
it was getting late
i felt like falling
falling into you
but you said
you wouldn't let me fall
i felt like crying
crying for you
but you said
it was bad for me
i felt like dying
dying without you
but you said
there was time
i felt like fucking
fucking the hell out of you
but you said
there was no time
i felt like screaming
screaming i hate you
but you said
volume didn't count
i felt like feeling
feeling nothing for you
but you said
you said you cared
i felt like living
living with and for you
i said hello
and you waved goodbye
you said nothing
you just waved goodbye

07.08.2003. u 16:28   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

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