what's up?

I What's up
25 years of my life and still
I'm trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this Brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
So I cry somethimes when I'm lying in bed
To get it all out what's in my head
Then I start feeling a little peculiar
So I wake in the morning and I step Outside
 I take deep breathI get real high
Then I scream from the top of my lungs
What's goin' on
And I say hey...
And I say hey
what's goin' on
And I try, oh my God do I try
I try all the time
In this institution
And I pray,
oh my God do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution
So I cry sometimes when I'm lying in my bed
To get it all out what's in my head
Then I start feeling a little peculiar
So I wake in the morning and I step outside
I take a deep breaththen I get real high
Then I scream from the top of my lungs
What's goin' on
And I say hey..
.And I say hey
what's goin' on
 25 years of my life and still
I'm trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination

19.05.2005. u 0:07   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

A lipo sam ti reko da odeš radit kod odvjetnika.

Autor: ah_bez_veze   |   19.05.2005. u 0:09   |   opcije

a moraš flipat sliku... a meni je "spaceman" bolji ;)

Autor: The-King   |   19.05.2005. u 0:33   |   opcije

je, bolji je, na svoj način, ali nije prigodan... ;)

Autor: butterfly7   |   19.05.2005. u 0:44   |   opcije

a ak ćemo o prigodnosti onda se neću miješat'. .. al spaceman me uvijek baci u neko prigodno stanje :)

Autor: The-King   |   19.05.2005. u 0:54   |   opcije

ma bila si umorna na slici...

Autor: Brat77   |   25.05.2005. u 21:23   |   opcije

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