
She wants to hide.
She wants to wish the world away.
She feels alone.
She is convinced that she has nowhere else to go.
She tells herself that no one else could possibly want her.
    The iniquity and inroad behavior cast upon her body and soul has weakened her self esteem and created self doubts. These feelings have become so strong that she remains in the abusive situation. Her ultimate fear is of her abuser.
Yet, she is just as petrified of the thought of leaving.
Why? Why doesn't she just leave? Why does she stay? Why doesn't she see that she has within her the strength to face her situation and to triumph over it?

25.07.2005. u 16:07   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

..evo ti ruka, primi se da te podignem... :)

Autor: PersonalJesus   |   25.07.2005. u 16:38   |   opcije

Što je strašnije, ostati ili otići?

Autor: pinakes   |   25.07.2005. u 17:10   |   opcije

Odrediti pravac kretanja ili biti nošen situacijom, pa kamo te baci?

Autor: pinakes   |   25.07.2005. u 17:13   |   opcije

Pronaći snagu u sebi..i prihvatiti ponuđenu ruku.

Autor: pinakes   |   25.07.2005. u 17:14   |   opcije

U Umagu je jedan romantičar u subotu ispjevao stih..."budi hrabra ti, najlakše je plakati...." , nešto me podsjeti na tebe...! Lijepa pjesma, u lijepom istarskom okruženju i poruka koja daje snagu....!:)

Autor: siki-RI   |   25.07.2005. u 18:11   |   opcije

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